Liberty Reins, LLC Restoring freedom to BE.

Stable Moments
Stable Moments is a program that pairs community mentors with foster kids. Kids in foster care get one on one time with a mentor for one hour every week for 10 months where they work on relationships and life skills.

Fostering children is a huge task and requires so much comittment and sacrifice on the part of the foster family. Through this program we try to offer respite for the family while the child is in session or even some grown-up talk time with the program director.

The backbone of Stable Moments our the mentors from the community. Many of these children have not had a stable relationship for any length of time. The mentor role is not one we take lightly and we ask that mentors commit to once a week, one hour for ten months. We will do our part to work with your schedule and pair you with a child at a time that works for both of you. These kids deserve the consistency and we want them to get the strong message that, "You matter!"

Sessions cost $200 a month for each child. You can support by sponsoring one spot for the year ($2,000) or even just a month ($200). There is also need for the care and upkeep of the facility and most importantly the horses. Designate where your funds go, or just give to the general operating fund and allow us to designate where the funds are needed most. However you choose to contribute, we are grateful and can't do it without you!

This program cannot exist without the help of wonderful volunteers! Opportunities to help can range from stall cleaning, feeding, behind the scenes admin assistant, facility care and up keep, etc. Want to help? Let us know what your gifts are and we will try find a task that is a good fit for you.

Second to our mentors, the horses are the heart and soul of the program. They require large amounts of food and daily care that adds up quickly. Horse sponsorship can be on a monthly basis, yearly, or just individual items. Please contact us for a list of needed care and supplies.

Spread the Word
Please share our program with others and spread the word so we can reach as many kids that need our services as possible. You can share our web page (www.libertyreins.com/stable-moments) or have them contact us directly at libertyreinsllc@gmail.com.